Seed Ball Campaign

Makali Durga forest range, Bangalore.

Event Info

Event Date


Event Venue

Seed ball making at Sumadhura Projects. Dispersal location – Makali Durga forest range, Bangalore.


To organise a seed ball campaign -(making & dispersal), engaging Sumadhura employees and residents from Sumadhura communities.

Project Details:

During monsoon, Sumadhura Foundation along with the employees and the nearby communities took up a seed ball programme and spread 15000 seed balls in Makali Durga Forest Range along with the support of the forest Department.
The process involves making a small ball-sized mixture of clay, seeds and compost, and scattering it in suitable places for the seeds to germinate and grow into trees. The composition of seed balls makes it self-sustainable and favourable for germination in most environments.

Intended Impact:

Seed ball is one of the many initiatives to improve green cover and is widely used for ecological restoration.
Environmental impact – increasing the green cover, engaging the community in a fun filled way.


Good quality seed balls, community engagement, regenerate green cover.

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